Hello family, friends, and followers,
Sorry my last blog post from 100 days of Indo left off a little over halfway through the trip. After my last blog post friend's and I had traveled across a few different islands and surfed some more amazing waves I have dreamed of! Due to lack of internet and just always moving around to new locations the last bit of the trip never made it on here. I will for sure have a right up about it hopefully sometime next month, but I want to tell you about my next little adventure first!
The Road Trip vehicular herself! |
This time it's a flat out road trip with my two best friends, Justin and Bryce (who I had gone to Australia with). Justin I have known for over 7 years and is always down for an adventure whether it be diving spearfishing or a road trip for 17 days haha. He's a great friend that is definitely knowledgeable with mechanics, camping, and just shear common sense which makes up a lot of decisions on the road. Bryce which I have already explained in my blog about our adventures of Australia is my best friend I have known for literally 95% of my life. We get along great in any situation and can always agree/compromise with any decision or topic.
One of the few maps we have been adding our stops to! |
So for the next adventure as I have explained we will be hitting the road for a loop around the Northwest United States and Canada. Since either of us have yet to see 80% of the places were going it sounds like a perfect route. Yes it is winter so were packing Snowboards, sleds, camping gear, fishing, and some other fun stuff to keep us entertained. The time span should be around 17 days making our way around a near 5000 mile loop through around 8 states and 1/3 of Canada! We are taking Justin's suburban with a rack with boxes mounted to keep more gear like camping gear and snowboards.
Since I have never done a trip like this being in snow/cold weather for 17 days straight I packed a decent amount of warm weather clothes and long johns to keep warm in any condition. It's going to be quite an adventure in new scenery than my last few few in the warm weather and beaches but I am just as excited to explore a lot more of my own country!
Packed and ready to board! |
Our route will take us up interstate 5 all the way to Canada basically. Our first few stops will be with friend's along the way in San Francisco, Chico, and Portland. We are also trying to camp somewhere in Oregon probably at Crater Lake which we have both seen some pretty sweet pictures of before and sparked the interest to go there. Outside of Portland, Oregon is our first mountain we will snowboard called Mt. Hood, very well known. After that the plan is to cruise through Washington maybe camp again before Seattle, then cross the border into Vancouver. Now in Canada we will cruise around Vancouver and board Whistler a few hours away before heading east towards the next mountains near Revelstoke! Hanging around there for a day or two then on our way to Banff which is the biggest stop in our trip where we will stay for 3 or 4 days to board a few mountains nearby and pick up our good mate from Australia Dillon. He will cruise with us for a week as we make our way back South into Wyoming, Montana, and then chilling in Colorado for a day or two.
Colorado will probably be our last place were going to snowboard before we take the 2-3 day drive back home to Orange County where normal life will go on again. So that is a quick idea of our plan and thought of the trip but I will update a few times on the journey so stay tuned!